The Pebble Shakers will pay tribute to the era of swing at a free Silo District concert tomorrow, Friday March 1, from 7pm. The concert will put a spotlight on music from the 1930s and 1940s popularised from District Six to Sophiatown, Alexandra and across the Atlantic in America. The concert will feature a nine-piece and a 20-piece orchestra. The Pebble Shakers will recreate the dancehall experience, while a dancefloor will give the audience a chance to jump, jive, jitterbug and swing. Revive the Sophiatown spirit by dressing the part with voluminous skirts or high-waisted pencil skirts, heels and gloves for women. Men can pull off the look with hats, Kofifi suits and two-toned baroques. For more information, visitÂ