The reality show, The Real Housewives of Cape Town, had the launch of its latest addition to the series at Siba the Restaurant housed at the Table Bay Hotel on Thursday June 30.
The Real Housewives is an international reality TV series that follows the lives of affluent wives living in a certain city.
The Real Housewives of Cape Town marks the 17th international version of the franchise, and the 4th to be adapted in Africa.
The Cape Town cast consists of seven wives – some of them entrepreneurs, mothers and influencers – and the show follows what they get up to in their daily lives.
Guests to the event had a chance to meet with the “housewives” at the glamorous dinner, see a sneak peek of the show, and ask the cast questions.
The show will premiere on Sunday July 10 at 7pm on Mzanzi Magic on DStv.