Albert Glass, Sea Point
Who has permitted the owners of the Mojo Market in Regent Road, Sea Point to install bicycle racks on the wall? It is a most ill-advised and selfish move. The result of this will lead to the width of the pavement narrowing by about 1m (ie the width of an average bike when on the rack).
Even when the rack is not in use it has the potential to cause injury to anyone walking nearest the wall of the market who may not see too well.
For the sake of goodwill rethink the positioning of the racks to maybe the Clarens Road wall of the market.
Graeme Robinson, Mojo Market, responds:
Thank you for your input.
We didn’t see it like that but you raise a point for consideration. We will take another look at it.
Attracting the cycling fraternity is very important to us.
We do have council permission to utilise that part of the pavement.
In the meantime, we are relocating two of the units that protrude more than others.