My Fat Friend, a comedy written by Charles Laurence, directed by André Odendaal and presented by Pieter Toerien and Kosie Smit, will be at Pieter Toerien’s Theatre on the Bay from Wednesday November 9 to Saturday November 26.
Starring much-loved funny man Tobie Cronjé, Charles Laurence’s London and Broadway hit comedy My Fat Friend is the story of an overly large Vicky (Michelle Botha) who owns a successful bookshop in London’s Hampstead.
She guzzles comfort food and chocolate to make up for her somewhat boring existence.
She good-humouredly suffers the slings and arrows of her friend and lodger, the not-so-young Henry (Tobie Cronjé), while failing to notice that her other tenant, James (Jeremy Richard), worships her from afar.
A stranger, a handsome man of 30, one day stumbles into her bookshop looking for a travel book as he is on the verge of departing for Iran on a four month working engagement. The man, Tom (Charlie Bouguenon), strikes up a conversation with Vicky – who seems unable to comprehend that Tom is unperturbed by her weight. The two completely hit it off and agree to keep in touch while Tom is away and resume where they left matters when Tom returns.
Loving nothing more than to meddle in Vicky’s affairs, Henry suggests to her that she should lose weight during Tom’s absence and knock his socks off when he returns to London. Aided by Henry and James, hard exercise, diet and a graph she manages to reduce to a streamlined version of her former self – only to realise it was her rotundity that attracted Tom in the first place.
Tickets cost from R120 to R180. Book through Computicket or call 021 438 3300.
Five lucky Atlantic Sun readers can each win a pair of tickets to see My Fat Friend on Wednesday November 9, at 8pm. All you have to do to stand a chance to win is SMS ASFriend with your name and contact details to 34445 before Sunday November 6 at midnight. Be sure to include your email address as well as phone number. SMSes cost R1.50 each.