Carol Wener, Goldies Deli and Restaurant, Sea Point
Two months ago holes started appearing in Worcester Road, Sea Point, and surrounds.
We were told that the water meters were being upgraded. The pipes were all moved above the ground and some of the pavements were chopped up.
On numerous occasions the pipes have burst due to cars driving over them as they lie in the road.
There are many people “working” that is standing and leaning on spades or with hands in pockets, on site but no one seems to be in charge. The reason I am writing this letter is that the council do not notify the businesses and residents in the area that the water will be cut off for approximately six to seven hours a day, sometimes three-four days a week. If we had advance notice we could fill up our 20lt buckets so that at least our staff have water to wash their hands.
In these extremely difficult financial times we are trying to keep our business going, to the extent that we employ 20 staff members, who are the only bread winners in their families.
Please could someone in the council assist us with a bit of communication and clarity as to why it has taken two months with no end in sight.
* Ernest Sonnenberg, Mayco member for utility services, responds:
Notices of the City’s intention to work in Worcester Road was published in the local community newspaper.
The notice advised of periodic interruptions to water supply. This, notwithstanding, customers are still informed whenever work necessitates that water supply be interrupted.
We have, however, been informed of one occasion on which Goldies was not warned, and the contractor has apologised for this. On all other occasions, planned interruptions were communicated to local residents and businesses.
Due to the nature of the work, a water bypass has been installed, and as this is necessarily situated above ground it can get damaged from time to time. Unfortunately, as these incidents are unplanned, informing customers beforehand is not possible.
Restoration of supply is dealt with as a matter of urgency, however.
The job is now nearing completion and we thank residents for their understanding thus far. This work is necessary to ensure a continuing reliable water supply to the area.