Roger Trythall,
Camps Bay
We have been desperately looking for Max, our beloved German shepherd, for three months now. He bolted down the road when a house guest left the gate open – probably looking for us.
Several animal communicators said the same thing: “He is being held in Camps Bay (one said Green Point area) behind high walls, the people holding him have no intention of giving him up – he is very unhappy and wants to come home”
We adopted Max from the SPCA in Grassy Park in April 2018. It was a match made in heaven. He was so well-behaved, affectionate and very protective of us. His previous owner had socialised him well. He was very friendly to people and other animals. We are heartbroken about his loss.
If you have any information concerning Max’s whereabouts, please phone 082 900 2685. He could also be dropped at any vet’s office where his microchip could be read. We are offering a reward for information that will bring Max safely back to us.
Heartfelt thanks to everybody who is supporting us and helping to find Max.