Pamela Koonin, Sea Point
I came to live in Sea Point in 1953 and attended Ellerton Primary and Ellerslie High School, referred to as Tafelberg by all the Johnny come latelies.
The only way to (solve the housing issues) is (through building) high rise buildings, not only for Sea Point but for Cape Town in general. People have to understand that if they want to live in urban areas, they have to live in apartments.
The five-storey apartment block next door to Ellerslie was always low cost housing. Originally built for government employees, it was occupied for years until tenants, many of whom were pensioners, were given notice in the early 1990s and the building has been standing in a state of disrepair ever since. This building needs to be restored, renovated and used as low cost housing once again. Furthermore it should be developed and expanded on the extra ground available.
I also call attention to the flats that the SABC has been sitting on for over 35 years.
Originally also built for staff and called Rocklands Villas, these flats are situated on prime property off Rocklands Road behind the SABC. This eyesore is all boarded up and functions as a giant pigeon coop at present, but could be renovated and used as low cost housing.
Preventing a school from being a school is short sighted, self defeating and counter productive. Schools, like hospitals, should never be destroyed.
Reclaim the City claims that if Ellerslie is not turned into low cost housing it will be lost to future generations. They are wrong. Schools of progress, opportunity and excellence are more of a loss to future generations than low cost housing could ever be.