Michael Broomberg, Sea Point
I took a walk on the promenade last week and was so sad at the state of the beaches that I was compelled to take these pictures.
The pictures were only taken near Graaf’s Pool. I couldn’t bear to see the rest of the beach near the public pool areas.
The amount of trash is really sickening, and there’s even an air conditioning unit that has been dumped there. It is so sad what is happening to our beautiful beaches.
There are vagrants living on the beach up against the wall and the smell of human faeces is disgusting. Also, the debris in the rain channel has been there so long that there is already grass growing out of it.
I grew up in Sea Point (60 years old) and it really saddens me to see the deterioration of the city. Surely the ward councillors have an obligation to keep our place clean, particularly for the tourists.
At the sewage pipe at the Mouille Point lighthouse, there is sewage seeping out of the top of the concrete as well as where the steel pipe joints are bolted together.
I also took pictures of the plastic, Styrofoam, straws, plastic bags, candy wrappers, and just about everything that humans are capable of getting their hands on and throwing away.
I lived in Los Angeles for 30 years, where everything works, and when it gets broken, it gets fixed almost immediately.
We have such a beautiful city and its such a shame to see it going to ruin.
Mayoral committee member for community services and health, Zahid Badroodien, responds:
The recreation and parks department is aware of the current state of the Sea Point Promenade and is in the process of addressing this.
With regard to the play equipment on the promenade, the rocking horses are frequently damaged due to the wear and tear of their moveable parts. They have recently been removed and sent for repairs. The bases of all the equipment in repairs have been turned upside down (with the spikes facing down), in order to avoid any further safety risks.
This practice will be strictly adhered to in future.
With regard to the grass on the Sea Point Promenade, the reality is that the negative impact of the drought will take some time to recover from.
There are two main factors that have affected the grass, namely:
1. Major upgrades to the sea wall and paving on the promenade (currently in progress). Construction work from the Sea Point Pavilion to Marais Road has been completed, including irrigation put in place to reinstate the grass.
2. Water restrictions are still in place (currently at Level 3) and all facilities requiring water are affected by this.
The department has been investigating alternative water sources, such as the possibility of constructing an effluent water plant from the pump station at Mouille Point; the use of a spring water connection; watering using water tankers with water collected from sources such as boreholes.
The Street People Reintegration Unit is aware of this street people hot spot and does weekly outreach in the area to offer social support to the street people who frequent the area.
This includes placement in shelters and at the Culemborg Safe Space; access to IDs and grants; relocation to place of origin; reunification with family; and access to Expanded Public Works Programme opportunities.
These services are accepted voluntarily and unfortunately are mostly refused.
Notwithstanding the City’s continued efforts in maintaining the area, it has no control over the movement and behaviour of the homeless, less fortunate individuals who persist in visiting the area.
The Street People Reintegration Unit will continue with efforts to engage and attempt to relocate the homeless.