Everything is back to normal at the Sea Point police station which had to be temporarily closed after a staff member tested positive for Covid-19. The station was closed last Friday and the building was decontaminated.
Police spokesperson Brigadier Novelwa Potelwa said they started operating from the station building again after the decontamination process was completed and the facility declared safe for occupation by the service provider in line with Covid-19 protocols.
“In the time the decontamination was undertaken the police station’s CSC (community service centre) operated from a mobile unit outside the premises in a bid to ensure service delivery continued uninterrupted.”
She said police officers who were in contact with the infected person are undergoing the necessary screening/testing and being quarantined.
Other police stations including Cape Town Central, Woodstock and Mowbray have in the past weeks also had positive cases.
Cape Town Central police station reopened on Monday May 4 after it was shut down when an officer tested positive for Covid-19.
The community service centre had operated from the Cape Town Cluster office, managed by staff who had not been in contact with the officer who tested positive for the virus.
Some services operated from the kiosks from the station and some from the Green Point and Cape Town Central Improvement District and Sea Point station.
Mowbray and Woodstock police stations were also relocated to their community service centres last week following Covid-19 positive cases. The stations relocated to other buildings on the premises while the decontamination process was under way. They also returned to the station buildings after the decontamination was completed.