Brian Metcalf, Wynberg
Just a note in support of Telkom.
Some months ago, they rang to ask if I would care to go the wireless route, I said yes, it took about two months to deliver the phone and some weeks to deliver the SIM card.
After following the instructions, the signal went down on the original phone, it warns you of this happening, 36 hours later the new phone was working,
I have only good things to say about Telkom, they have always been on the ball, I do feel for customers who have struggled , as noted. Well done on all the effort you put into helping people.
William J, Vredehoek
I read with interest your column regarding the replacement of fixed line telephones with a wireless desktop unit.
Telkom advised me in December 2018 that I should apply for the replacement unit which I duly did on December 15.
I was told the new unit would be delivered within three to four weeks. I made arrangements to have someone available during January to receive the phone.
Now six months later I am still waiting. I telephone Telkom 0800 number regularly to enquire about the delivery and am always told that the unit would be delivered shortly – usually within a week of my telephone call!
Needless to say I have not received the unit and get absolutely nowhere with the follow up phone calls. Every enquiry is met with a new story and an assurance that the matter is in hand. I am more than disillusioned with Telkom but do need the telephone.
I am away soon for two months but there will be a house-sitter to accept the new handset, on the assumption that it will arrive before the world ends.