Concerns have been raised by the De Waterkant Civic Association about the ongoing construction at the house at 21 Loader Street, De Waterkant.
Construction started in May last year, but when residents and the De Waterkant Civic Association (DWCA) raised their concerns that the rules of Heritage Western Cape as well as the Heritage Protection Overlay Zone (HPOZ) were being contravened, a stop-work order was issued in December 2021.
In particular, said the DWCA, it was concerned about a protruding wall at the back of the property, a new wall built between house numbers 19 and 21, and the interpretation of height rulings.
“These are our observations about this development at 21. We will lodge our concerns with the City and we’ll be happy if they can show proof that the plans are being followed and that everything is compliant with their plans,” said Spider Clark, the chairman of the DWCA.
Donald Cameron, a De Waterkant resident, said he had been in contact with Land Use Management about the plans for 21 Loader Street since 2015.
“The consultation with neighbours was absurd. And you know it. Your senior insisted that the neighbour directly across the road should not be consulted, number 19 was abroad (and you and the developer took advantage of this and made no effort to make contact) and I am two doors away and have been in email contact with LUM since 2015 about these developments, specifically requesting that my comments should be placed on file,” Mr Cameron said in an email to the land use management department.
The City of Cape Town is aware of the construction and confirmed that site inspections had been conducted on September 2 and September 9.
“The City is satisfied that the building plan meets the requirements of the Nation Building Regulations and Building Standards Act, hence the building plan was approved,” said deputy mayor and mayoral committee member for spatial planning and environment, alderman Eddie Andrews.
SALT architects said they, together with and the owner Zak Shabort, had consulted with the City and that the construction was proceeding in accordance with the originally approved plans.
“There is not much more to it really. The owner is building according to the originally approved plans. The sections that triggered an additional LUMS application were demolished, and reinstated to the originally approved plans,” said Jan-Dirk Van Der Walt, director of SALT architects.