Asa Moos won the title of “World’s best koesister” at the Radisson Red hotel’s World Koesister Day event on Sunday September 1. More than 100 people from all over the city brought their koesisters to enter the competition, held by Radisson Red in partnership with Vannie Kaap. Mark Jacobs, co-owner of Vannie Kaap, said koesisters were always close to him, as they were part of the Cape Malay and coloured cultures. He said the aim was to make World Koesister Day a global movement, and to show off the culture of Cape Town. When Ms Moos heard that she had won the competition, she burst into tears. She said she didn’t enter the competition, but was entered by her family. She said she has been selling koesisters in her hometown of Grassy Park for nearly 20 years. “It took me 20 years to perfect my koesisters. I am very happy and grateful for the title, and it is all through God’s grace.” Ms Moos won R12 000, goody bags from Cape Town Tourism, Vannie Kaap and the V&A Waterfront, and her koesisters will be sold at the Radisson Red hotel for three months. The general manager of the hotel, Leonie Anderaya, said the hotel was working towards creating a Cape Town Corner, to showcase some of Cape Town’s food and cultures. She said Radisson Red will be celebrating World Koesister Day on the first Sunday in September every year going forward.