City Bowl Ratepayers’ Association, Vredehoek
Regarding “Have your say on plan for church precinct” (Atlantic Sun, September 8), our primary concern is the density of such a development and the need for business and GR4 zoning, as the existing road and service infrastructure in Vredehoek is unlikely to absorb a new village of 500+ people.
Traffic congestion has long been an issue in the area. A bridge linking High Cape Town to the M3 was promised at the time of the High Cape Development but was never built. Adding such a high density development to Vredehoek is going to cause even greater bottlenecks. We are also concerned with the additional stress on public services such as water, electricity, sewerage, community safety and schooling for instance.
CIBRA understands that this is private property in a desirable location for development. However, the extreme density and mass factor of this application is highly problematic. No matter what the procedural impact assessment reports or the promises made, all with the necessary arguments, the resulting development is likely not to be a success. The conflict is already inherent in the intention.