Dianne Abel, Sea Point
Once again I am compelled to write publicly on the above subject after your article (“Promenade open for all recreational activities”, Atlantic Sun, September 29).
I am appalled and dismayed Council’s decision to maintain the status quo, i.e. no restrictions on recreational activities on the promenade including cycling of all descriptions.
I would again like to pose the following question to Council: I, as a 75-year-old retiree, pay high rates to live in Sea Point and enjoy regular walks on the promenade.
My physical safety is constantly being threatened by irresponsible, mostly young people, cycling or scootering at high speed, weaving in and out between pedestrians regardless of how many people are present on the seafront, trying to enjoy the open air.
I do not wish to walk on the pavement since that means breathing in the petrol fumes from all the vehicles constantly passing by. However, I take my life in my hands if I try to walk on the promenade, especially on weekends.
My question therefore is this: when I am hit by someone on wheels at high speed, who will take responsibility for my injuries, hospital stay, rehab, etc? Will it be the people who make the cycles available to the public, will it be Council who allow this activity without restriction or will I have recourse to the person riding the device?
My feeling is that I will be completely on my own.
In southern California where the lifestyle along the coast is similar to that along the Sea Point promenade, cyclists have a dedicated, demarcated lane (this is common practice all over the world) which is the only area for their use. In addition, should a pedestrian stray too close to that lane, the approaching cyclists ring their bells when approaching to warn the walker that they are close by. This is not rocket science, guys.
I am therefore once again appealing to the powers that be to urgently put some restrictions in place so that we can all enjoy the benefits of the open air on the Promenade and to embark on an education campaign to reinforce some limitations in order that we may all be safe from injury.