The weekly University of the Third Age (U3A) morning meetings featuring influential speakers will be relocating to Sea Point Place (CPOA) from Thursday March 14.
Rosalind Spears will speak on Bishop Robert and Sophy Grey, founders of Bishops, St Cyprians, and designers of 40 new Anglican churches, at the next meeting.
The branch is open from 10am and welcomes new committee members, including those who are retired or nearing retirement. There are diverse classes to suit everyone’s preferences, possibilities to introduce and conduct new courses, and opportunities to meet new people.
U3A refers to University of the Third Age, and after commencing in Toulouse, France, in 1972 and expanding globally, it was introduced to South Africa, beginning in Cape Town at the turn of the 21st century.
The Atlantic Seaboard branch, pioneered by Gaby Saurma as the first and remaining treasurer, offers a wide variety of courses to stimulate and to introduce seniors to new ideas.
Ms Saurma herself found a new lease on life in her later years, passionately organising many different topics, and the group is always open to new ideas.
Topics include anything from learning bridge to easy walking, Scrabble, current affairs, writing group, and a non-fiction book club.
Membership of U3A Atlantic Seaboard also includes access to greater Cape Town courses such as yoga, armchair travel, hiking for the moderately fit, circle dancing, neuroscience and Xhosa for beginners.
The branch would love to expand it’s audience to include anyone close to, or even not yet retired, and will welcome new committee members.
For more information contact