Laureen Morse, Green Point
I have been following the progress of the GPCID since hearing about it at the recent Green Point Ratepayers’ and Residents’ AGM.
My understanding is that the deadline for receiving the critical number of 60%+1 consent forms expires very soon. It is quite concerning to have recently learnt that that the steering committee who are driving this initiative are well short of the threshold votes and that certain blocks along Somerset and Main roads have simply ignored the many requests to sign up for this valuable service.
My gripe and concern is that this is such an important initiative for Green Point. So much time and effort has gone into paving the way for the extension from Highfield Street to Varney Road and the benefits of having a CID far outweigh the costs of R40 / million value of the property. Property owners will never have another chance to implement the GPCID Extension and will come to regret this down the line. Unlike property values which have increased in areas which have a CID, our property values in this strip will stagnate and crime and grime will steadily increase.
A steering committee member relayed a message from a senior police officer at the Sea Point police station that there was virtually no crime from Glengariff to the end of Sea Point and that it had all migrated to the Green Point strip. If owners don’t seize this opportunity now, then it will be lost on Green Point forever.
I would like to make an appeal to all affected owners who have yet signed a consent form to do so as soon as possible.